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Frequent monitoring of water quality at remote locations 

Sabesp, one of the largest sanitation companies in the world is using Colifast ALARM for supervising the total coliform levels in a remote location.

Ensure optimal water quality at industrial sites 

In Turkey, a well known car manufacturer monitor the bacterial levels of the reused water. The Colifast ALARM does daily testing of the water, to ensure water optimal quality. 

 Fastest Growth Based Method for monitoring raw water 

The city of Barcelona use a Time-To-Detect Method to monitor the raw water intake. The Colifast ALARM is installed to automatically sample, analyse and report the water quality.

Do you want to go swimming In Urban Areas?

The CALM instrument was used for monitoring bacterial levels at a hot spot for swimmers in Akerselva, an urban river!

​Make sure water remains clean in
Water Reservoirs 

From many years of experience, water reservoirs tend to get contaminated more often than you would know! How can you ensure this will not happen on your watch?

Multiple systems help optimize water treatment  

When monitoring the raw water by multiple systems, the best water quality is always provided to the customers at all time. 

Treat vulnerable recipients with extra care 

High water quality is of utmost importance in the food industry, as it can cause severe consequences if contamination occurs - both financially and health-wise!

Not exaggerate chlorination, and keep your customers satisfied 

Most people prefer water without the taste of chlorine, still this is used to ensure the water quality. Therefore, it is necessary to find a balance between the two! ​

Bring the laboratory to the source!

Track fecal contamination in rivers and lakes. In only 15 minutes, indication will be given. The whole process can be performed in the backseat of a car!

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1366 Lysaker


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